Welcome, autumn! This is my favorite season. The intense heat and humidity of summer are gone and bitter cold weather has not yet started. The air smells fresher and inside the house you might smell an apple pie baking in the oven. Autumn feels more relaxing to me somehow, even though school has started again. It's starting to get cold at night while sleeping, so the quilt goes back on the bed. And the world will soon ablaze with the color of leaves. For a beautiful poem about autumn, visit Geraldine's blog.
What's your favorite season and why? Post your answer in the comments section by Wednesday, September 27. I'll draw a name randomly from everyone that enters. I don't have a prize selected yet, but I'll be sure to post a picture when I know what the prize is. I've been wanting to have another blog contest and this seems to be a good way to do it!
Yesterday I said that I bought some SWS yarn by Patons. I want to see how well this felts, so I've made a couple of (pathetic looking) coasters. The coaster at the top left is made on size 13 needles and two strands of yarn (garter stitch). The coaster on the right is knitted on size 9 needles and one strand of yarn (also garter stitch). The circular coaster is knit with size 9 needles (stockinette). (Please forgive all these details. I'm putting this here so I won't forget what I did.) I've been wondering how felted coasters will repel water, so that's why I chose this project.
There are good and bad things about this yarn (mostly good). First, I love the colors! I felt like I was knitting wine! It reminds me of Noro Kureyon, but in a more subdued way. Second, this yarn feels pretty soft. It's not as soft as Malabrigo, but I think it's softer than the Kureyon. Third, at $5.99 and the same yardage as Kureyon, it's not too expensive.
There were two things I didn't like about this yarn: it splits a little when being knit and little pieces of fiber were breaking off onto my ironing board when I was knitting there. These things aren't enough to keep me from using it again, though.
If this yarn felts easily, I'll use it again. Especially when Michael's is the only place open and I have a 40% off coupon!
Living in an area where yarn stores are far and few between, I am often more willing to go the Michael's route! If it works, I say, "go for it!"
As much as I enjoy the fall, I do love that first day of summer vacation. The windows are open, the days are mine to do with as I please and the winter snows are far away. I don't love the heat, but I do think that summertime is the season that holds my favorite memories.
Posted by: Sheepish Annie | September 21, 2006 at 10:05 PM
I like summer, the long evenings, the walks on the beach. I remember as a child the weather being so hot that the tar on the road would stick to our feet... and of course there is nothing better than the smell of summer rain hitting the ground after a hot day.
Posted by: Ruth | September 22, 2006 at 03:04 AM
The colors of that yarn are really pretty. I'm interested to see how well it felts. I may have to order some of that for felted Christmas gifts.
My favorite season is summer. I love the sun and the heat, and being outside with the kids at the park, having picnics.
Posted by: Rachel | September 22, 2006 at 04:10 AM
Thanks for keeping us posted on the yarn...a Noro Kureyon subsitute that is affordable would be wonderful!
As for seasons, hands down is the summer. You know I run away to the beach for the summer with my kids and I adore the sun, the salt air, the sand running between my fingers, long walks looking for seaglass. We go for bike rides after dinner every evening and watch baseball games between the fire dept and police dept. I love the long days and waking up each morning thinking of what adventures are before us.
Posted by: Estella | September 22, 2006 at 06:36 AM
Thanks so much Beth for mentioning my Autumn poem. As I said over at Veggies...fall is definitely my fav. time of year. I like your list of reasons why you like it too!
I think my fav. reason I love Autumn is all the colors of the trees, truly a miracle, especially the crimson red maples!
Look forward to seeing what the prize is, even if I don't win it!
Huggs, G
Posted by: Geraldine | September 22, 2006 at 09:21 AM
Love your coasters...great fall colors.
I'm with you on the seasons; autumn has always been my favorite. I love watching the leaves change colors. I love the chill in the air in the morning that means I have to wear a sweater. I always loved going back to school (I know, I'm a dork). Getting new books and pencils. Playing outside when the leaves are falling and hearing them crunch when you walk. The smell when people start burning the leaves. Going apple picking and baking pies. Yep, definately my favorite time of year!
Posted by: Gina | September 22, 2006 at 11:41 AM
I have to say winter is my favorite...the snow, the holidays, the cozy feeling of snuggling in for the winter with winter smells in the house. There is soup and Christmas trees, applesauce and cookies, and also the crunch or slosh of snow. I love the way snow falls gently or it can fall in a fury. There has always been that excitement and expectancy of the first snow, and the next snowstorm that winter brings, too. I love a storm, and I love looking outside and seeing only white. And always, the anticipation of Spring, where all is new and clean, is what lurks in the back of a winter mind, and gives us comfort when the days are drearier than usual.
Posted by: Lynne | September 22, 2006 at 12:28 PM
Best season is autumn - because the heat and humidity drop and we can all feel human again.
Posted by: trek | September 22, 2006 at 01:56 PM
I love the colors of that yarn. I'll have to go check it out at Micheal's and feel it.
I think that my favorite time of the year is spring. Warmer days, everything growing and new. New babies, new buds, refreshing spring rain cleaning away all of the winter grime and dirt. Planting in the garden. The anticipation of hot summer days on the way.
Posted by: Kaye | September 22, 2006 at 05:56 PM
I can't pick just one favorite season. I absolutely love spring and fall. Both seasons are so expressive with colors - the various fresh colors of green in the spring and the red, orange and yellow in the fall. I have this thing for trees. I love looking a trees and these seasons allow the trees to show off.
I have been eyeballing that yarn. Keep us inform as to how it felts. I just might buy some myself.
Posted by: Leslie | September 22, 2006 at 08:57 PM
This SWS stuff has made the blog rounds. It must be something to look for! I saw the felting results on Susan's blog, "I'm Knitting as Fast as I Can".
Posted by: Patricia | September 22, 2006 at 09:29 PM
You know this is a super hard question to answer as I've only just started living in places that have "seasons."
I think it's a toss up for the beggining of Autumm and "Spring-time" in Los Angeles (it's in quotes as anyone with "real" weather would laugh at calling it a season there). I say this because yesterday morning as I trudged up the walk to go to work I caught the same smell that permiates LA in the "spring-time." It's a cool, light smell. One that tells you, "There will be no rain today, but you might want to be wearing a light sweater." It threw me for a "season" sensation loop. I expected spring, so I was shocked when I saw the red and orange leaves! They turn color here! (I know, I am most easily amused.)
Posted by: Mary | September 23, 2006 at 10:32 AM
My favorite season is summer. Why? It is the time for vacation to our favorite beach; Because there are no school related activities to transport DD back and forth; the smell of freshly cut grass; ripe home grown tomatos with a flavor you can't get any other season; BBQ's with the family and friends; and most of the summer no football for DH to spend his free time watching!
Posted by: Tonni | September 24, 2006 at 10:15 AM
As a non-native living in San Francisco, I feel like my definitions of seasons are completely different from the things they have going on here in NorCal. But my favorite season in most parts of the country is spring - I love when the early early spring flowers are just starting to come out, and maybe it's sunnier and a little warmer than the winter, you can still wear your cute sweaters but you can sit outside for lunch for the first time in months. Here in SF of course, spring means deluges of torrential rain. But I think I might still like it the best, for the new spring flowers, and the amazing wildflowers that come up in CA.
Posted by: Rachel | September 24, 2006 at 01:17 PM
Autumn is my favorite too. When I lived in PA, it was the changing of the leaves, the hay rides, pumpkin carving parties and apple cider.
Now that I live in the middle of a desert, I love it because it brings relief. It is the best season out here. 70's with warm winds.
Posted by: Stacey | September 24, 2006 at 09:28 PM
I love all of the seasons. I think it's just having something new that gets me excited. But, I would have to say that fall is my favorite. I love the crisp mornings and evenings, and the way the light changes. There is a certain glow to fall that I really love. And when people start having fires in their fireplaces? There is that great, smoky, fall-like smell in the air that just makes me feel good. Plus, I love apples, pumpkins, and Halloween candy. And turkey with cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes. =)
Posted by: katie | September 25, 2006 at 10:52 AM
What a hard question! I love all the seasons. I love winter with the holidays and snow. I love the cool autumn nights. I love Spring for all the new beginnings of the garden. But I have to say summer is my favorite season. We love to camp and there is not a better family vacation - no phones, no computers, just the 4 of us and some wonderful quality family time. We fish, hike, cook over an open fire and have lots of laughs while trying to fall asleep in the tent at night. There is nothing better than a beautiful summer night in front of a fire watching all the stars in the sky. And even though our boys are getting all grown up they still love to camp with mom and dad. Who can ask for a better time of year!
Posted by: Karen | September 25, 2006 at 07:16 PM
I think my favorite season is spring. I love the fresh green smell in the air, the crocuses, the lilacs, the freedom & relief after spending allllll winter inside (especially with little kids!). I love the promise of long, warm days ahead, and wearing shorts. Of course, I'm rather fond of fall too, especially being a knitter, but spring always makes me happy. :)
Posted by: Heather | September 26, 2006 at 11:36 AM
Mine is spring. It's when everything becomes new again, a reprieve from the gloominess of naked trees and brown grass. The leaves start to bud on the trees, the fresh flowers bloom, and the air smells fresh. It's when the windows are able to be opened, without threat of freezing or insane heat. Hmm, I need to get some tulip, daffodil, and crocus bulbs soon.
Posted by: Restless Knitter | September 27, 2006 at 12:39 PM
Fall is my favorite season. The crisp and cool days, the fog rolling in here at the coast, kids back to school, apples in season and pumpkins and squash. Sweaters are back, along with plaid and corduroy and school uniforms. I can start a fire and cozy up with a mug of hot cider and the baking begins! My birthday is in October and for me it means at slow down at work and the beginning of more family time. Cozy, Cozy, Cozy times ahead!
Posted by: Lori | September 28, 2006 at 02:44 AM