Today I was driving E to her dental appointment. We noticed that the big pine tree in the square of town was sporting a lighted star. In fact, the whole tree had lights on it. We couldn't believe it! E pointed out to me that it's only September. Technically, today is still summer even.
Now, I know that people living in cold climates decorate early. It's certainly easier than putting lights on the eaves in a snowstorm. But we live in the Atlanta area. We rarely get snow. In fact, there have been Decembers when I'm still in shorts. I'm not sure why the town Christmas tree is ready to go.
I shouldn't point fingers because I'm already knitting Christmas gifts (a dishcloth for a relative). And I'm thinking about what to make for the Handmade Christmas Gift Swap. The sign up is open until 9/25, so I haven't assigned partners yet. Once I know the person I have, it'll be easier to figure out what to make. Oh, this isn't Christmas related, but did I tell you I also joined the One Yard Fabric Swap? That's going to be lots of fun, too.
It's late and I need to get packed up for school and get to bed. I hope you all have a good week. Let me know when your town's decorations go up. :)