The Word

  • 1 Corinthians 16:14
    Do everything in love.
  • Philippians 4:6, 7
    Don't worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


  • feltlikeknitting [at] gmail [dot] com

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December 08, 2006


Sheepish Annie

I saw those pictures over on mason*dixon...very nice!!

What's wrong with pink??? ;)

Restless Knitter

And just what is wrong with pink?? Go for lemon yellow :)

There's a web page out there that tells you how to preserve a snowflake. I'd love to try it but in order to do that, it would have to actually snow around here. I'm having issues with it getting down in the teens and twenties, so snow isn't really on my Want To See It list right now.


If "S" is your hubby, I guess I can understand why he wouldn't want it pink!
Weren't the snowflakes awesome at Mason/Dixon? I was trying to figure out if they were even real.
Have a wonderful, safe weekend.
Sheri in SE GA (where I've seen snowflakes 3 times in my 15 years of living in the south)


That's great--my husband is kind of "eh" about knitting for him. So far I haven't made anything for him, but I think he's getting felted slippers for Christmas.

Oh, wait, I did make him the cigar gloves last year. I think he wears them--I'm not sure.


Tell S that it's not pink, it's MANgenta. That's what a salesman at a bike shop told us, when he sells T-Mobile Team items. Their colors are hot pink and black!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and your test results come back soon. I'm glad you made it through OK.


I love snow and that is one of the things I'm missing most about Alaska right now. In Fairbanks, once you have snow in the winter, it is there until April or May. And it's beautiful!

"Snowflake Bentley" is one of my favorite wintertime children's books. Thanks for reminding me of this one!


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