Once upon a time in a land far, far away, there lived a princess named Princess Beth. Princess Beth was a bit slow on action when it came to castle-improvement projects. Life just seemed too busy to get the castle upgraded very quickly. And it was sometimes hard to make decisions. Which rugs would look best in the great dining hall or the castle library? What color should the castle walls be painted? And so on... Thus, things progressed rather slowly and two rooms of the castle stood empty for many months. Finally, the princess and her husband spread plastic on the floors of the two rooms and painted the ceilings. Things were progressing.
Unfortunately, Princess Beth also was under a curse from an evil fairy. This curse wasn't to fall asleep for a million years or to have a nose like Pinocchio's, it was much worse. This curse was that the princess would not be able to keep the castle clean. Instead, she would want to fill her days with computer work, knitting, sewing, and so on. There were days when the princess broke free of the curse and some rooms did get cleaned. But much of the castle stood in disarray. However, Princess Beth was not worried because she knew that with each room she cleaned, the curse weakened. She would eventually shed the curse and everything would be okay.
Then one day, Princess Beth received a message from one of her princely brothers. He and his family asked if they could visit in twelve days time! This was joyous news for the princess and her family because they did not often see the prince and his family who ruled in a land even farther away. The princess started to think about food and fun for the visit, then she stopped dead in her tracks. Due to the dreaded curse, she had a big problem. The princely brother's daughters could stay in the guest room and Princess Beth planned on giving the prince, his wife, and their young son the use of the royal master bedroom. But said bedroom was very messy and had become a sort of depository for misplaced items and furniture from the two empty rooms. Clearly it needed to be cleaned. Panic set in.
And that brings us to where we are today. We have a princess with a very messy royal master bedroom, two empty rooms spread with plastic but no decision for paint colors, misplaced furniture in the kitchen and the master bedroom, and a birthday party to plan for her royal daughter. And school starts in a few weeks. And she's working on a project at church that is taking a lot of time. And... But she knows it will work out and she'll have a great visit with her princely brother and his family. She may just not be at the royal computer quite as much in the next few days.