Rule of thirds practice from photo class
I keep wanting to write, but there are so many things I want to say that it doesn't feel write to pop in and make a quick post. So I'm just going to quickly get it all out here then later I can post little things that I want. Does that even make sense?
Life is extremely busy right now, as I'm sure it is for most of you. Being on the Worship & Music and Contemporary Band teams at church, December through early January is a hectic time. In November I was elected as council/congregation president so I was also transitioning for that in December. I worked to pass on my band duties while learning what the president does and preparing for the annual council retreat.
Add to that the website I developed. (Did I ever show that to you?) As I've learned, one is never done with a website, especially the first year. (The first show registration, the first this, the first that...) I am now working on summer camp registration and tickets for the next show. I've missed both of those deadlines, but I have to be okay with it. I don't like being a weak link in the organization, but there is only so much I can do. Fortunately the other board members have been helpful and understanding.
Oh yes, I also started a photography class in December. Steve told me there would never be a good time to take a class. He's right, but having one more thing is a little stressful. A new lesson comes out today and that make me three classes behind. Unfortunately each class is only up for two weeks so I need to sign on soon. (For those interested, the class is through ed2go and I signed up through my library system.)
And I signed up for Move More Eat Well 2.0 led by Cathy Zielske through Big Picture Classes. It will be really good and I started the scrapbook, but I haven't had time to get back to it. And I started stress eating yesterday... Today is another day!
The other things like Project Life (not sure I will get to that until February), Bible study, band practice, sore back, family... well right now I'm feeling pretty stressed out even though these are mostly good things. I'm just going to have to do what I can do and get to the other things later. Except for my family. I try to put them first.
I have been enjoying keeping up with you all through an app called Feeddler. I'm not sure everyone is getting my comments, but I'll look into that later. I know sometimes we only post the good things on our blogs, so I'm sorry for this "real life" post. I hope you are all doing well in your real lives!